Perfectly personalized denture – Flexible implementation process – With the latest tools

Dentists: Dr. Péter Kiss; Dr. Mónika Ecsegi; Dr. Vivien Farkas; Dr. Seyedemami Nazgol; Dr. Tímea Dorka; Dr. Adrián Veress

What is a decayed tooth (cavity), and
how is it's restoration done?

Tooth decay is a consequence of bacterial infection, during which the production of acids by bacteria dissolves the tooth’s hard tissues, causing the tooth to become “cavity-ridden.” Dental fillings and inlays (small) or onlays (larger) serve to address tooth decay. The extent of decay determines the procedure, whether aesthetic dental filling or inlay, to be applied. Thanks to modern technology, we can painlessly and aesthetically treat decayed teeth in our clinic.
Developed decay can only be treated with dental intervention and fillings, but proper brushing techniques, which we teach using the iTOP method in our clinic, can prevent it.


What are the advantages of dental fillings? Why is an aesthetic, tooth-colored filling good?

If the decay is small, meaning the infected tooth tissue is limited, the tooth’s shape and function can be restored immediately in one session using plastic filling material, preventing further deterioration and potential pain.

The strong bond of aesthetic composite filling material to the tooth allows for the removal of only the infected tooth material, determining the shape of the cavity solely based on the extent of decay. This avoids sacrificing healthy tooth tissue.

In the case of early decay, non-drilling methods can be used for tooth tissue reinforcement (“impregnation”).

For larger decay, a dental inlay can be made. The advantage of inlays is that they are made in dental laboratories, making them more resistant than fillings – they can be made from ceramic-reinforced composite or special ceramics.

What is the treatment procedure, what tools, what
techniques are used?

Step 1.

In the first step, with local anesthesia, all decayed tooth material is removed.

The surface of the resulting cavity is treated, and then coated with a light-curing material called bond. The bond will connect the filling material to the tooth. Next is the selection of the color of the filling material (composite) and building it up in the cavity. Composite is a white, tooth-colored material applied in layers to the tooth, illuminated to solidify the material. Composite is a malleable material that can be shaped according to the tooth’s anatomical and aesthetic features.

Step 2.

In the second step, the dental filling is shaped and polished. Any protruding edges are removed, and the “high” parts are adjusted to match the bite for comfort. Subsequently, the surface of the dental filling is smoothed with increasingly fine polishing discs. This results in a final appearance similar in shape and color to natural, healthy teeth.

For inlays, the process is similar to dental fillings’ preparatory process until the removal of decayed areas and cavity formation. Afterward, an impression is taken of the particular dental arch to allow the dental technician to see the shape of the inlay to be made. For size and height determination, an impression from the opposite dental arch is also necessary. Impressions are often taken digitally – intraoral scanning by photographing the teeth directly inside the mouth – and can be sent directly to the dental technician’s computer. Designing is done with a special dental computer program, and based on the finalized plans, a milling machine connected to the computer creates the inlay. To achieve the perfect tooth color, the inlays can be painted – hence, taking photos of the tooth and the patient may be necessary during treatment.

Take care of your teeth!

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  • Through a thorough examination, we establish an accurate diagnosis
  • In consultation with you, we will put together the complete treatment plan
  • Diagnostics, specialists, and dental technology all in one place